Veronika Marshall Veronika Marshall

Recipes: Overnight Chocolate Chia Pudding with Wild Blackberries

If you are like us and need a quick breakfast fix but..also…need…decadence - we’ve got something good to share! This overnight chia pudding is uuuuber creamy, chocolatey and oh so wholesome! AND it’s a great healthier alternative to an evening dessert too.. We foraged some wild blackberries from the local Norfolk woods, but store bought blackberries, raspberries, blueberries or strawberries will work equally as great. You can use coconut flakes or chocolate shavings to make it all fancy or add banana, apple or mandarin slices for the perfect morning treat! We added a layer of plain greek yogurt and stewed half of the wild blackberries with agave nectar to create a lush syrupy consistency to pour over the top of the yogurt layer. This recipe is Gluten Free, Vegan & naturally sweetened. This pudding lasts for a few days in the fridge so it’s ideal for any of you busy folks, who just need a get up n’ go type of thing… (if you can make it last that long)!

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Veronika Marshall Veronika Marshall

Recipes: Cinnamon Apple Kefir Muffins

Ok, so we all love a yogurt or granola bowl for breakfast BUT there’s something comforting about having a lush bakery style muffin with your morning coffee…(occassionally). These muffins are absolutely delicious, soft and moist, full of warm cinnamon flavour, packed with juicy, sweet and tangy apples and finished with a cinnamon sugar topping. This recipe is wholesome and filling, quick and easy to prepare and the addition of kefir adds to both the texture and taste of the batter. As kefir is fermented and cultured it creates a lighter and wonderfully moist crumb. We used a mix of green and red apples for this recipe, as a combination of at least two or three kinds is a good way to get a more complex flavour. We suggest using Braeburn, Granny Smith, Fuji or Golden Delicious. Perfect for snacking anytime of the day, these muffins keep soft and moist for a few days so you can really extend that joy for a little bit longer…

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Veronika Marshall Veronika Marshall

Recipes: Granola Yogurt Pots

These Granola Yogurt Cups are made using our homemade Nutty Cacao & Cranberry Granola (see recipe here) filled with a lush creamy yogurt and topped with fresh berries.You can use any yogurt of your choosing and experiment on toppings side.. We went for some miso caramelised banana slices with pecans and fresh blueberries with white chocolate shavings, buuuut get as creative as you’d like! Summer time offers a myriad of delicious berries and other fruits that would work perfectly with your granola cups. Think blueberries, strawberries, peach slices, raspberries... so many options! Add some nuts or seeds for a healthier kick, or if you’re looking for something on the sweeeter side - add a scoop of your fav ice cream! Best part of all of this - they’re hassle free, require only a handful of ingredients and a suuuuuper nice option to be served at breakfast, brunch or later in the day to your family or friends!

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Veronika Marshall Veronika Marshall

Recipes: Nutty Cacao & Cranberry Granola

An easy homemade chocolate granola recipe that has become one of our favourite breakfast options! This granola is full of aaaall the good stuff; oats, hazelnuts and pecans with a little bit of cacao powder and of course some luuush dried cranberries and desiccated coconut for the added natural sweetness and chewiness! This recipe is Vegan & Gluten Free and the fun part - it’s customisable! Choose from a myriad of mix-ins; you can use any type of nuts, add goji berries or maybe some dried cherries.. (yum!) you can also make it a little more indulgent with some dark chocolate pieces!

We’ve made this granola on the healthier side with a lower sugar content which makes it perfect for breakfast, dessert, or even snacking! Use it with a dollop of yogurt and some fresh berries, enjoy with some milk or sprinkle this chocolatey goodness over a scoop of ice cream (for those sweet craving evenings..). Surely any day that starts with a bit of chocolate is going to be a great one!?

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Veronika Marshall Veronika Marshall


Hello folks! We’ve partnered up with the loveliest bunch of people at OUTPOST COFFEE for a sweeet little GIVEAWAY. OUTPOST COFFEE are based in Nottingham, UK. They have a delicious & stand out selection of coffees, with a subscription service available.. for all of you who always need coffee in their life, whether its in the house or office… (we highly recommend!) These guys also provide masterclasses, ranging from one to one & group classes; from Home Brewing, Espresso/Latte Art making to Barista training - these guys have you covered.

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