www.sodbakery.com (11).png

About the Founder

As long as I can remember I’ve always mixed all kinds of concoctions as a child. Mixing anything and everything I came into contact with. Mum’s face creams, grandma’s lipsticks; a sprinkle of fish food here, a hint of shampoo there, and a good old dollop of porridge to finish. Anyone? Yeah, you can imagine the lovely surprises I created whilst left to my own devices.. My family had a lot of patience (I deeply thank you for this!).

Fast forward quite some years, and the deep rooted interest to ‘experiment’ has never left. Of course now, it’s naturally moved onto edible ingredients. Thankfully!

My main inspirations for cooking & baking are my grandma & mum. Most of my childhood was spent joyously helping & watching them cook & bake away in the kitchen. Their dishes were fantastically delicious, and always kept interesting on the ingredients front.

Not long ago we found out our great-great grandparents had their own bakery that fed the whole town where they resided.. So I guess you can say baking is ‘in our blood’.

I studied Fashion Design at Norwich University of the Arts. Since then I’ve worked in fashion, art & interiors industries as well as merchandising & digital marketing sectors. I now reside in the Norfolk countryside spending my time developing new & exciting flavours/combinations for bakes & being a straight up bun dealer.

So here we are, can I interest you in a bun?

Veronika Marshall - Founder, SØD Bakery

Have any questions? We’re all ears!