Recipes: Fig & Oat Energy Bites

HAPPY NEW YEAR! New year, new beginnings… by Chinese tradition it is the year of the Tiger. In China, the Tiger is considered the king of all beasts as it symbolises power and a great deal of nerve. Confident, full of energy - this is the year for all of us to take on a challenge & bring all efforts & energy together to accomplish something we find important to us! Whether it’s personal, work related or just a new sport/hobby you wanted to try - get out there & get it! …& with that we’re sharing one of our favourite quick recipes for a SUPER YUM energy booster! (You know, to get you going along the way…) Packed with fiber, protein and healthy fat these make for one amazing healthy snack ; working well as a breakfast bite on-the-go, mid-morning or afternoon snack, and equally great for pre- and post-workouts! The two big stars in these particular bites are Figs & Oats.. a truly sweet & wholesome combo!

We have used peanut butter for this recipe, however you can use any nut butter of your choice. Almond butter works just as well, or, if you’re nut-free, swap to sunflower seed butter. This recipe makes roughly 7-8 energy bites, so feel free to double up on the ingredients if you want to make a bigger batch. These can be stored in the fridge for about 2 weeks in an air tight container, and in the freezer for much longer. We love to eat ours cold out of the freezer best. Ok let’s get down to it..


1/2 cup old-fashioned oats

1/2 cup Dried Figs (roughly chopped)

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/5 cup coconut shreds

1/2 tbsp teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 tbsp cacao powder


In a food processor, pulse the oats until they process into a flour like consistency.

Add the dried figs, peanut butter, coconut shreds, cinnamon and cacao powder. Pulse until the batter begins to come together pulling from the sides of the food processor.

Roll dough into 1 tablespoon size bites.

Lay bites on a parchment paper lined sheet and cool in the fridge for one hour so the bites can firm up.

After the bites have firmed up, transfer to an airtight container in the refrigerator. Store for up to one week in the refrigerator.

Et Voila… Go get ‘em tiger!


Recipes: Healthy Oat & Banana Cookies


Interview with: Katie Gillies