Interview: Adam Peter Hicks

Adam Peter Hicks is a Norwich-based multidisciplinary artist and photographer. His uniquely intriguing approach to photography and fresh aesthetic has amassed a cult following and garnered global attention in the editorial sphere. His work has been published by the likes of Dazed & Confused, I-D, Kaltblut, NYLON and Notion magazines. Hicks himself ventured into writing; formerly acting as the Fashion Editor at DRECK Magazine, he now writes for Client Magazine. His past interviewee list includes Lou Stoppard (former Fashion Editor at Large for SHOWstudio, GQ, FT, The New Yorker), Belgian artist Peter De Potter and British multidisciplinary artist and activist Stuart Semple.

Adam’s highly ambitious nature has seen him assist one of the fashion industries leading authorities on style, Lady Amanda Harlech and London’s coolest stylists, Alis Pelleschi for Vice Fashion. Adam shares with us on what it means to ‘be creative’, the role photography plays in his life, his current projects & his favourite places to visit in his hometown of Norfolk.

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Hi Adam! Could you tell us a bit about your background?

Hey! So I'm Adam Peter Hicks, 27 and based in Norwich, Norfolk. I've been doing photography for the past 9 years professionally and I also work as an Artist and Writer for Client Magazine. I live in Norwich, but London is most definitely my home. I've also lived in Paris and Bergamo for short periods of time and the most important things in life to me are my family and friends. Materialism always comes second.

When did you start taking photographs?

To be honest, I started when I was at school. I had a great photography teacher and technician that used to help me with doing studio shoots. I actually was more into the idea of becoming a graphic designer at that point.

What made you start your craft? How big a role does photography play in your life?

My father was an artist and was always teaching me to draw and such, so I've always had a creative streak within. Photography just happened by chance really, I started taking photos at school and realised I quite enjoyed capturing a memory or creating a fantasy within a still image. Photography is a huge part of my life, as it's a release for me. I suffer from mental health issues and this helps me escape to a different space.

‘Karen Warp’ Adam Peter Hicks Contribution to the Fashion and Textile museum, 2021

‘Karen Warp’ Adam Peter Hicks Contribution to the Fashion and Textile museum, 2021

Creativity gives you a form of expression that is authentic to you and no one can take that away from you, so it’s awfully important.
— Adam Peter Hicks

Talk to us about what it means to be creative?

Being creative is exciting. It creates an array of opportunities, but on the flip side, it can be quite depressing if there are no sales or clients wanting your work at a specific time. Creativity gives you a form of expression that is authentic to you and no one can take that away from you, so it's awfully important.

How do you get inspired?

I gain inspiration from everything. From the bubbles within a glass of cola to the angles of buildings or even the cut of a piece of clothing.

What are you working on currently?

I've just finished my contribution for the Fashion and Textile Museums auction and some online features for client. Astrid Andersen, Hazllits hotel & FLAN Labs. I'm also working on some original paintings and packaging prints for customers.

Adam Peter Hicks Prints available to purchase now

Adam Peter Hicks Prints available to purchase now

What are you passionate about besides photography & art? What do you do in your free time?

I really love eating out, staying at hotels and socialising with friends. Obviously, with Covid these hobbies were limited but with modern-day technology, we're still able to socialise via Zoom and Facetime.

Edward Crutchley AW21 - read Adam Peter Hicks’ article on Crutchley’s work for CLIENT Magazine.

Edward Crutchley AW21 - read Adam Peter Hicks’ article on Crutchley’s work for CLIENT Magazine.

What is your favourite ‘sweet’ thing & why?

This is a VERY tricky question as I have the biggest sweet tooth! I'd probably say either a simple chocolate brownie or a baked vanilla cheesecake... but then again I love all pastries, cakes and biscuits. Oopsy.

Tell us something we don’t know about you yet.

I have a cat called Mr Chunks. He's 7 years old, ginger and the light of my life! He's hilarious and also very dopey.

Holkam Beach by Adam Peter Hicks, 2020

Holkam Beach by Adam Peter Hicks, 2020

For anyone who would like to visit Norfolk - where would you recommend to go?

If I were to visit Norfolk for the first time I'd want to go and see the coastline, whether it be to see the more tranquil Holkham or Southwold OR the hustle and bustle of Great Yarmouth. I'd suggest the Sainsbury’s Centre for Art and the lanes for shopping. The castle and cathedral/churches in Norwich are also well worth a visit

What are your plans for the rest of the day?

I have an awful sleeping pattern at the moment, so it's 3.14 am, and I'm completing this interview. So, I shall sleep and then wake up and create some mood boards for my new paintings. Figuring out colour palettes and brush strokes/movement is the plan for tomorrow, and then I'm off to a friend's for dinner in the garden.

Thank you Adam! 🥨

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Interview with: Suzie Winsor